The surface of the Earth is a form of natural beauty. We know that the Earth's surface consists of land and water. Waters covering the surface of the earth is called the ocean or ocean. While the land is the land we stand on. On this land we can also see the waters, such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers and so forth.

The land is a form of the surface of the Earth that has a different low height. The uneven surface of the land is due to various things that come from within the earth. If at the origin of this earth's surface is flat, then that began to change the shape of the earth's surface becomes uneven is the endogenous power.

Endogenous energy
Regarding endogenous energy, surely we already know or at least heard this name from school. What is meant by endogenous energy is energy that comes from within the earth. Endogenous forces that are vertical can produce various forms. One is the shape of a dome-like bulge. The dome is formed by cracks until the middle part of it slumps, which will eventually form a broken valley of slenk or graben, and adjacent to the top of the fault or horst.

Fractures are the result of endogenous forces whose formations we can see on the Earth's surface. The fractures formed on the surface of the earth are divided into various kinds according to the shape and also the symptoms. One of the fractures is vertical fault. As the name implies, a vertical fracture is a fault whose direction of motion is upward or downward. This vertical fracture has several results, namely horst, graben, flexural and mountain fault. The explanation of each result of the vertical fracture is as follows:

1. Horst
Horst is a plateau that has increased due to endogenous power. When viewed on the surface of the Earth then this horst will look like a hill because its area is higher than the plains (read: understanding of the lowlands) that surround it, including the right and left of the horst.

2. Graben
Graben is also called Slenk or Terban. Graben is a plain that has decreased due to the pull of endogenous power coming from within the Earth. This decline occurs quickly. This graben is formed due to the effects of an increasingly centralized technological movement, and draws a two-point cesarean or fault. Graben this if left to be filled by water, then it could be a lake (read: lake ecosystem). Some examples of graben in Indonesia are Lake Toba and also Lake Tempe.

3. Flexur
The third vertical fracture is Flexur or Fault Scrap. Flexing is a form of fault that occurs by the impulse of one side. This one-sided push causes one part of the fault or the fault to rise to form a steep wall which has a higher position than in the surrounding area. This one fault can be called a cliff or cliff.

4. Faulty Mountains
The last vertical fracture is the fault mountain. The fault mountain is also called step faulting, which is a form of fault that resembles a ladder. This formation occurs due to a decrease motion by some fault with tempo and also similar movement.

These are some of the results of vertical fractures (read: fault types) that form on the surface of the Earth. In addition to the results of vertical fault, there is also a central fault and also a split fault. At this time we will talk about the spreading fault.

Fill Spread
Fault spread is a name or designation for the formation of a fault caused by a spreading endogenous force. Endogenous energy in the formation of this fracture is known to have a centralized movement called a convergence zone and also a spreading movement in all directions whose area is known as a zone of divergence.

If the convergence zone is a concentrated endogenous force, then this zone of divergence is the opposite. The divergence zone (spread / away) is a border area of ​​the plate that moves in opposite directions or away from each other, so as not to collide with each other. Others say that what is meant by spreading fractures is an unfocused fault and its direction goes to all directions. And just like any other kind of fault, this spreading fault is also on Earth.

Sample Fault Pattern
All kinds of fractures that exist on the earth produce mixed results, which results we can see because it is on the surface of the Earth. However, the result of the fault is not always visible on land, because the true surface of the Earth is land and water. One of the fault results that exist in the waters is the result of a spreading fault. An example of a spreading fault is the sea mountains, which are mountains under the sea so we can not see them when not diving.

Thus the information that can be given from the fault spreads. May be useful for all of us.

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