Do you read on a regular basis? If so, what is it that you read? Is it newspapers, magazines, Facebook updates or Tweets? It's a good idea to read on a regular basis. For those who don't need miss out on a lot of benefits that reading may offer. Given below is a description of some benefits that you may enjoy.

1. Mental Stimulation
According to research studies, people who are mentally stimulated are less prone to Dementia and Alzheimer's as the brain stays active and doesn't lose power. It works just like other muscles in your body. Actually, you need to exercise your brain should you want to keep it in good shape. Aside from reading, playing games like chess may also help you improve cognitive stimulation.

2. Stress
If you have a day job, you may suffer from stress. And due to stress, you may have a lot of other issues in your life. But a good novel may take you into a new world. In the same way, a well-written and engaging article is means of distraction from the things that can give you stress. So, if you read, you can relax.

3. Knowledge
Good books and articles can provide loads of information. You never know when you may need this information. So, having a lot of knowledge can help you deal with the challenges you may have in your life.

Apart from this, if you find yourself in extremely unfavorable circumstances, nobody can take away your knowledge from you. You may lose your job, money and all of your possessions, but you can't lose your knowledge.

4. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a warehouse of words that help you get your message across in the best way possible. In any profession, being articulate can be of great help. Moreover, your self-esteem will get a boost if you can talk to your seniors with great confidence. It can even help you with your career as people with better communication skills get more promotion opportunities.

5. Memory
By reading books, you can train your mind to memorize loads of characters and the history, ambitions, background and nuances behind those characters. Although it's too much to remember, human brains are beyond all the machines that have been invented so far. It's an extremely complicated organ in the human body. You may find it interesting that each new thing that you memorize makes fresh brain pathways while strengthening the existing ones.

This also makes your short-term memory more powerful in addition to stabilizing your mood.

6. Analytical Skills
If you can solve a mystery in a mystery novel without killing too much time, know that you have strong analytical skills. After all, it takes a lot of mental energy to process all the tiny details in a novel.

This analytical skill can help you when you need to critique a pot to find out if it is well written and if each character is fully developed. If you ever get an opportunity to talk about the plot with your friends, you can present your take on the plot in clear words.

So, these are some of the biggest benefits that you can enjoy if you read on a regular basis.

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